Date : 21 Jan 2015
- With all good wishes, RC Drishti, for the first time in the history, has successfully run the stall at the Chennai Bookfair
2015 between 09 01 2015 – 21 01 2015. - This event that stands for social integration marks the beginning of the journey towards social inclusion.
- The objective to create awareness about accessible and independent learning tools for the visually impaired among the public was well met.
- More than 300 visitors [professionals, employers, volunteers and visually impaired]across Tamilnadu visited the stall and got benefited.
- Some have expressed their willingness to be volunteers, some are ready to share their professional expertise, and some requires training and
employment at KVTC. - The stall was wholly managed by Drishti Rotaractors from different colleges. They did the demos and explained in detail the ways and
means to become self-independent and self-reliant using technology in terms of education and employment. - 3 print media – Indian Express, Tamil Hindu and Times of India and 4 visual media – Pudhiya thalaimurai, Vendhar, Thanthi TV and News 7 Tamil gave a good coverage of our stall.